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Juarez, Mexico!

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Welcome, you have reached the only balanced source of information about Juarez, Mexico currently available in the English language, authored by an American who has lived in Juarez among the people and has never once been compensated by any of the merchants or institutions featured here or by the Mexican government. Whatever you may have heard, Juarez, Mexico is full of good people, interesting attractions, fine restaurants, a fascinating history, and very impressive shopping values. The truth about Ciudad Juarez is here on these pages…
Other web sites tell you about Juarez Mexico. This site takes you there. With the Juarez Mexico Travel Guide you arrive knowing where you want to go. You do not have to rely on hearsay regarding good restaurants, hotels, and things to see and do. You have maps and a good idea of what things cost in advance. We also have a very lively Juarez discussion forum, so be sure to register and post any questions you may have.
Juarez Mexico Street Map
Thanks to Marina Cervantes and Planos de Cd. Juarez there are now area maps and a detail street map for every location in the guide. You can even get a copy of their street map right here and plan your trip in advance. Their map is the only map of Juarez, Mexico which is faithfully updated every year and has the endorsement of the Juarez municipal government.
Juarez, Mexico is located just across the border from El Paso, Texas. Together the two cities form the one of the largest international border communities on earth.

Ciudad Juarez is the largest city in the State of Chihuahua and the 5th (some say 4th) largest city in all of Mexico. With a population of almost 2 million people, this city is no sleepy little border town. Whether you are looking for good food, shopping values, or an exciting nightlife, you can find it here.
Juarez Mexico Travel Guide
I say The Juarez Mexico Travel Guide is the only balanced source of information about Juarez Mexico currently available in the English language because the city has been demonized by the American press as the “City of Death”, when the whole truth is much more complicated.
Every effort to bring the crime issue and the tragic reality of the serial killings here into perspective has been made on these pages: The People, Your Safety, and Great Evil Torments a Great People.

Please read them before you make up your mind about Juarez, Mexico.
Juarez Mexico Attractions

Follow me, and you will see not only the finest the city has to offer but also the out of the way places only a frequent visitor can discover. See not only the 5-star hotels and finest restaurants but also some good value hotels and the little window in the side of a building where for as little as $3 a friendly seņora will serve you the same delicious food she serves her children.
The guide will show you everything you need to know about how to enjoy your stay, everything from the great things to see to insights into the people, culture, and history. A walking tour of the downtown historical sights is included.
You will also find emergency contact numbers, directions to the Tourism Office (where you can obtain more information), tips on dealing with Spanish, information about nightlife, shopping, and transportation. The site is very rich in photographs. Enjoy…