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Neveria Acapulco Bookstore - Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - Page 1

The Neveria Acapulco Book Store in Juarez, Mexico has been a long time favorite of mine. I love books, and I particularly like bookstores where every book not neatly categorized and currently in print. Shopping in such a book store is a real treasure hunt.

This is Leopoldo, the owner of Neveria Acapulco. When I first arrived in the neighborhood, I bought a beautiful hardbound copy of “Don Quixote, Man of La Macha” by Miguel Cervantes from him. Being a rapid learner, I was under the impression that with a little study I would quickly learn Spanish from this masterpiece and go from there. Well, three years later I still cannot carry on an intelligent conversation in Spanish, much less read my copy of “Don quixote, Man of La Macha”. It appears my natural talents do not include languages. But I have always enjoyed looking around the Neveria Acapulco Bookstore, and I think you will, too.